For You I Will Read online

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  Something flashed in her eyes, he wasn't quite sure what, but if it was anything like he was thinking and feeling at the moment... It was a burning need.

  “Thank you, Daniel.” His name on her lips in that hushed tone would be his undoing. It was how she said it when she was falling apart in his arms. Right when he got her to the edge, and she tumbled over, she’d say his name just like that. This woman wasn’t playing fair right now. He had no way to relieve this ache at the moment.

  He searched for what to say next, because, ‘Hey there, baby, let’s go back to my place so I can please us both’ wasn’t in the cards at the moment. So he settled with a lame, “Long time, no see.”

  She giggled, and the sound was like music to his ears. “I know it's been so long. What, the whole hour and a half seems like eternity.”

  “And yet you found time to look smashing and get a rental and make it here on time,” he quipped needing to get that dig in. “You should have told me. I could have picked you up.”

  “The rental place picked me up, Daniel. Their office was on the way here. It’s no big deal.” She shook her head.

  “I would have been glad to do it. But I get it. You don’t want someone you hate driving you around. It makes sense.” He put his hands in the air and feigned surrender to the truth.

  She narrowed her eyes. “I never hated you. Strong dislike… eh, maybe. But you hated me, too, Morrow!” She poked a finger in his shoulder.

  “Um, ow.” He grabbed her hand from pressing into his skin. “I never hated you. We didn't get along, maybe bumped heads because God knows why. But that was never hate. I think I proved that wasn’t hate more than once in the last several hours.” His gaze dropped from her blazing eyes to her plump red lips. “Maybe I need to prove that to you again?”

  “Oh yeah, and how will you do that?” She tried to sound irritated, but he heard the underlying want in her tone.

  He leaned in, wanting to kiss her to prove his point. He’d make it quick being they were standing outside of Paul's house. You never know who’s peeking through any windows, but at this point he didn't care. He just wanted to taste Callie one more time and get that fix before they walked into whatever they’d face in this lunch meeting.

  “There are a few ways I can prove it, kitten, but I’m a bit limited now. Why don’t you give me those lips, for now, and I can prove the rest later?” he whispered, closing in on her. Her eyes fluttered shut as he laid a butterfly kiss against her lips.

  Just as he was about to deepen that kiss and seal the deal, he heard the front door of the house open. Callie sucked in a deep breath in surprise and took one step back.

  “Well, hello, you two. Long time, no see!”

  Chapter 11

  Margaret Harmon, Paul's wife of forty-plus years, stood in the doorway of their home greeting them. Like Paul, the sweet, older black woman was Daniel’s mother’s long time best friend and had taken to him as if he were one of her own.

  Many days, when he was studying law, and being mentored by Paul, she would make them afternoon snacks, lunch or dinner. He’d come over during the holidays to watch college football with their sons in their media room. They called him ‘brother from another mother’.

  He walked across the driveway to her, and she held out her hands. “Maggie, looking beautiful as always. How’ve you been?”

  “And, you, just as charming as always.” Maggie beamed. The woman hugged him and he could feel every ounce of love she put into the embrace. She pulled back and cupped his cheek with a warm hand. “Let me look at you, Danny Boy. It has been a long while since I’ve seen you last.”

  “I know, Maggie. I'm sorry I haven't been over as much lately. Work has been crazy and—”

  “Hmm, you do look like you're tired.” She poked him in the side. “And have you been eating properly? You look hungry. You get in here so I can feed you.”

  Daniel laughed, “You're always trying to feed me, Mags.”

  “Well, your mother is all the way in Florida. She’d have my ass if she knew I was within feeding distance of her only son and he wasn’t eating right. Hannah is my dearest friend. Can’t do that to her or her boy. Now come on in here.”

  Maggie stopped in her tracks and looked around Daniel at Callie standing behind him. “Why are you back there hiding? You get over here for your hugs. It's been quite a while since I’ve seen you too, Callie Ann. How are you?”

  Since Paul had taken sick and had been out of the office for the last year, Maggie wasn't in the office nearly as much as she used to be, bringing Paul his lunches or stopping in with snacks and homemade donuts for the office.

  Callie stepped up joining them at the doorway and Maggie repeated the sentiments of hugs and giving Callie a once-over, telling her she looked like she needed some rest and, of course, needed fed.

  Daniel wondered if they both looked like they needed sleep because they went without the night before. Again, the vision of Callie’s naked body writhing under him flashed through his mind’s eye.

  Maggie turned and opened the door wider for them to follow her through the threshold and Daniel stole a peek at Callie. The flush of her cheeks gave her away, as she looked at him sideways. ‘Oh, you are thinking the same thing too aren’t you, Callie Ann?’ He reached out and brushed her fingers, linking his with hers quickly before letting go. Maggie chatted and walked ahead of them, none the wiser.

  They walked through the expansive house decorated in expensive, vintage furnishings. Though the place looked like an impressive museum, it did come filled with all the love both the Harmons possessed.

  She led them to the dining room, a place he had been in many times to enjoy a meal with the family. “Paul went to lie down for a bit. He was feeling a bit nauseous earlier, but he told me to come get him when you got here. I’ll be right back and you already know to make yourself at home. We will have lunch right away. Miriam will be in to see what you’d like to drink.”

  Miriam was the Harmon’s housekeeper and helped Maggie with the cooking. She’d been with the family for quite some time and was just as warm a woman as Maggie. He was in for another hug for sure.

  As if on queue, the woman came bustling into the room. She went directly to Daniel offering him a hug and a pat on the cheek. She then turned, looking at Callie and shook her hand obviously not as close to the other woman. “Nice to see the two of you again.” Her British accent always reminded him of Mary Poppins, like she’d say ‘spit spot’ and ‘cheerio’ after every sentence. “What can I get you both to drink?” she asked.

  He opted for iced tea and Callie mirrored his order before the woman zipped the room, again leaving Daniel and Callie in the room by themselves. He turned to her, and she looked up at him.

  “What do you think this lunch is all about?” she whispered.

  “I have no idea, but I'm sure we'll find out soon. You and I have some unfinished business though.” He stepped toward her.

  “We are not doing that here, Daniel.” She shook her head at him.

  “Oh yeah? We can be quick,” he teased.

  She put a hand to his chest, stopping him from advancing further. “You are so bad.”

  “You're just now figuring that out?” He growled in her ear.

  “Well, I had some bit of an idea, when you insisted on sex in the office and showed up at my house in the middle of the night. But I don't think making out and our boss’ dining room is very smart.”

  “Who said anything about making out? I just wanted a quick kiss. I promise.” He held his hand up in the ‘Scout’s honor’ pose.

  “I don't think your kiss will be so quick, Daniel.” She breathed out the response as he nuzzled her ear.

  “Well, if you want longer, baby, I can give it to you.” He crept a hand around her waist bringing her closer to him.

  “Oh my God. You are a mess…” She placed a hand to his chest. He looked down and snagged it raising it to his lips as he kissed her fingertips and sucked one digit between his lips.<
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  He looked up, catching the twinkle in her brown eyes. He could get lost there for a long time.

  He released her fingertip with a pop of his lips. Leaning in, this time his lips connected with hers, without interruption. And she opened to him almost instinctively. He swallowed her soft moan, and deepened the kiss, sucking at her tongue and biting her bottom lip. He only pulled away because they heard Maggie's voice in the hallway, helping Paul back to the dining room.

  Daniel looked down into Callie’s eyes, glazed over with the lust he too was feeling. “To be continued, kitten,” he whispered, backing away from her.

  “Okay, honey, just a few more steps. We're almost there.” They heard Maggie say to Paul. Daniel turned from Callie and walked to the hallway, offering help with Paul so Maggie wouldn't have to do it all on her own.

  The sight of Paul's gaunt form took him aback. He’d just seen him yesterday in the office. But seeing him in his home was different. He was dressed in house clothes and slippers. He’d seen Paul dressed casually before but not quite like this. He paused and turned, seeing Callie behind him, a look of concern evident on her beautiful face. They watched Maggie try to help Paul into the room. There was no way on earth he should be in this house right now. Daniel wondered why he wasn't in the hospital, but knowing Paul’s stubborn self, he probably insisted on being at home. His gaze met Maggie’s, and he saw the look of concern there. She was worn down even though she put on a great mask to hide it. Her main concern would always be for the well-being of the man she loved, and not about herself. In that case, Daniel would take care of them both.

  “Here, Mags, let me help you.” Daniel went to their side, offering Paul support as they walked into the dining room.

  Callie wrapped an arm around Maggie’s shoulder as they followed the two men. Paul offered a weak smile, but it came across slanted and strained against his sunken face.

  Miriam entered the room with a tray full of drinks, the iced teas they had asked for, as well as water and coffee for the Harmons.

  “Thank you, Miriam. Besides my wife, you always take good care of me. I appreciate you,” Paul said as he took the coffee from her.

  “I'm glad to help,” Miriam said, patting the man on his arm before turning to leave the room.

  “Well, look at the two of you,” Paul said looking at Daniel and Callie. “You look great. Thank you for coming on such short notice.”

  Daniel wished like anything he could return the compliment, but Paul was not looking at all like himself. It hurt his heart to see him.

  Callie piped in, saving him from having to find the right words to say. “Thank you, Paul. Of course we would be here when you ask. What do you need? Just name it.”

  “Let's talk about that over lunch, Callie,” he said, attempting to dress his coffee with the usual creamer and sugar, but his hands seemed too weak to grasp the containers. “Let me help you with that, dear,” Maggie said standing and coming to his side as she’d been doing for so long.

  “She fusses over me all the time, I tell ya,” he said looking at the two younger people at his table.

  Daniel looked on, worried. Coffee may not be the best choice for him right now. If he couldn’t grip the cream and sugar, how would he keep hold of a heavy mug of piping hot liquid?

  Maggie blew on the cup of coffee and held it to her husband’s lips. He took a small sip, and she placed it back on the table. Making sure he was satisfied, she sat the coffee back on the table and took her place in her seat.

  Daniel felt he had to approach the subject, even though he knew it would probably fall on deaf ears as well as irritate his mentor, but he had to ask. “Paul, have you considered a facility for around the clock care? It would make you more comfortable. I think….” He stopped short when Paul shot him a glance as if he grew two heads. Maggie's look of relief and appreciation was duly noted and not lost on him.

  She didn't have to say anything; he knew these people. She wanted him to have the best care, but he knew Paul was stubborn.

  “That is not why I asked you here today, Daniel. Right now our concern should be for the law office and not for me.” Though weak, Paul’s voice came across strong and crystal clear on this point.

  “You are more important than the law office right now,” Daniel insisted. “I’m concerned—”

  “No!” Paul roared.

  “Honey…” Maggie cried. “Please calm down. He's trying to help. Maybe it does make sense for us to research the facility your doctor told us about, so you can be comfortable.” Tears slid down the woman’s cheek. Paul turned to his wife and then back to Daniel.

  Daniel saw the conflict waging war in the older man's eyes. He hated he was the cause of it, but right now, it was the best for Paul, as well as for Maggie. He’d step up and take care of the law firm. Paul didn’t need that worry right now.

  Miriam came into the room with the lunch trays of sandwiches as well as cold salads. “Lunch is served,” she said in her usual friendly banter. “Now, there are several selections of turkey, roast beef and ham sandwiches and then we made salads, too; potato and macaroni and there are some chips and dill pickles.” The cheerful woman continued talking. The four of them sat around the table looking at each other knowing Paul didn't want to do what he needed to do for the end stages of his life.

  Once Miriam finished setting up their lunch and describing each morsel, down to the crumb, she checked if refills were needed. Paul waited until she left the room before he looked around at those sitting at the table. He looked at Maggie and her expression and released a sigh. “Fine, I'll go.” The sound of defeat resonated in his tone and it tore at Daniel’s heart.

  Maggie gasped putting a hand to her mouth. “Paul, you don’t have to…”

  “No, Maggie. It’s the right thing to do. I don’t have much time left, and this is physically wearing on you and Miriam. I don’t want to be a bother to anyone.”

  “You aren’t…” Maggie choked, reaching for his hand.

  Daniel glanced at Callie and saw the tears welling in her eyes. She swiped at one as it broke the barrier of her eyes and rolled down her rosy cheeks. She glanced at him and caught him looking. Her eyes narrowed as she wiped at moisture on her face.

  Oh no. He recognized that look. She was pissed.

  “Paul, you should do whatever makes you the most comfortable,” Callie spoke up, her voice cracked.

  The older man tried to speak, but his speech was cut off by a fit of coughing. Maggie jumped from her seat, reaching for the water on the table. “Honey…” She tried to give him water, but he pushed at it.

  He took a deep breath that sounded like he was struggling. Daniel got up from his seat. “What do you need me to do, Maggie?”

  She looked up at the man she thought of like a son. “Call 911, Daniel.”

  Chapter 12

  The sights and sounds of the hospital always caused her unease. It took her back to when she was sixteen years old and both her parents had been rushed to this exact same hospital after a horrific car accident. Neither of them made it. She’d been orphaned that day, just a sophomore in high school. She had to be strong since that day. Independent, taking care of herself; looking out for herself. She made it through the rest of high school and worked her way through college becoming a stronger person every day. That is when she met the Harmons. Paul was a mentor in a leadership development course she took at Penn. He and she just clicked. And he hired her at his law firm, where he trained her to become a leader.

  Looking at him now, hooked up to machines and monitors, didn’t seem right. He seemed so frail and weak which was not like Paul at all. He was her strength so many times before. And now she couldn’t find the strength to see him like this. She wiped at a pesky tear that broke through her barriers when she felt Daniel’s hand on her shoulder.

  She turned, looking up into his dark blue eyes. She saw the same grief and helplessness mirrored there. Her heart flipped when she saw something else mirrored in his eyes; longing m
aybe... need.

  Paul would want them to be there for each other since he had been there for them both in different ways throughout their young adult lives and now, who knows how much longer they would have him.

  “Hey.” Daniel’s words were low and close to her ear. “Why don’t we give Maggie a minute with the doctors? We can go get her a cup of coffee.”

  “Don’t you two fuss over me,” Maggie scolded them from the other side of the room. “I’m okay. We’re okay,” she said, reaching out to take Paul’s hand. He’d regained consciousness and was resting now.

  “Maggie, the same way you insisted on taking care of me, I'm going to do the same for you. Now, we’ll be back some with something warm for you to drink. I already contacted Tyonn, Izayah and Xavier,” Daniel said referring to the Harmon’s three adult sons.

  They all lived out of state, but insisted they would catch the first flight out to see about their father. None of them were quite aware how bad his condition was.

  “Daniel, I really wish you would have told me before you did that.” Maggie's face fell. She stood coming across the hospital room to stand in front of Daniel. She grabbed his hand and then caught hold of Callie's, pulling them out to the hallway.

  She pulled the door shut behind her before she spoke. “Paul says he's sleeping, but I know my husband. He's probably listening to every word; it's better I tell you this out here.” She cleared her throat, wringing her hands together in front of her. “We haven't been really keeping the boys up to date on what's been going on with their father's condition. They know he's sick, but I don't think they know how bad. Paul didn't want to worry them. He didn’t want to bother the two of you. But he knew things were getting worse and…”

  “Maggie, we should know these things…” Daniel began the protest, but when the older woman held up her hand, he knew it was time to shut up and listen.