Rekindled Desire Read online

Page 3

  “It has been awhile.” He poured his own glass and joined her at the window. “But we were always able to talk.”

  “Yes, and most of the time it was about your girlfriends.” She laughed coldly. He flinched at that. So that is the problem. She couldn’t really be pissed off at him about that, could she?

  “I didn’t realize talking about my dates pissed you off.”

  “Oh no, talking about skinny rich girls is how I like to spend my evenings.”

  He chuckled. “You weren’t jealous, were you?”

  “What! Oh, you are a little full of yourself, don’t you think?”

  He held his hands up in surrender. “It was just a question.”

  “Why would I be jealous? And even if I was, which I wasn’t,” she said again, for good measure, “you made it abundantly clear I was not your type. A curvy black chick was not Brandon McKay’s style.”

  “Who said I didn’t want to date you, and why wouldn’t I—because I’m white?” The tone of his voice dropped to a seductive octave that sounded dangerous.

  She laughed waving a hand at him to dismiss the conversation. He promptly grabbed it moving it away from his face. “No honestly, Cambria. I don’t ever remember telling you that. Why would you think it?”

  “I’ve never seen you date a black girl.”

  “That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t. Do you think I’m racist?”

  “I think you are drunk and talking out your ass,” she said trying to turn from him. He held her arm tighter, not allowing her to walk away. Her champagne sloshed out of her cup. “Hey, watch it.”

  His arm crept around her waist to steady her. “I would have asked you out if I thought you would have said ‘yes’. I told you that at the party.”

  She blinked and stared at him. She knew her mouth was in a perfect O. “I…you,” she stammered.

  She tried to step back, but his arm remained snug, pulling her to him. “No, don’t pull away. We’re going to have this conversation. It’s obviously long overdue.”

  Cambria chuckled. “Brandon, there is nothing to talk about. We aren’t in college anymore. You really don’t owe me an explanation about anything.” She tried to turn from him again.

  “Damn it, will you stop trying to walk away? I’m being serious here.”

  She looked at him. “Serious about what?”

  He took her glass from her hand and placed it with his on her desk. He grasped both of her hands. “I would have asked you out if I thought you would have said ‘yes’”, he said again, slower, trying to get her to understand his feelings for her.

  He watched her stare at him not saying a word. She licked her lips, leaving a thin trail of moisture on her lower lip.

  Damn it, why isn’t she saying anything? If she licks her lips like that again, I’m going to go insane. The situation in the front of his pants was becoming increasingly uncomfortable the more he was around her. He couldn’t count how many times in the past he had to deal with the same problem with Cambria. He studied with her, sat by her playing video games, watched movies with her and smelled that damned coconut scented oil she wore. He suffered through many painful erections wanting to touch her, to kiss her, to have her in his bed. He would only talk about the other girls he was dating to get his mind off of her and what he was feeling. He never thought she would want to get with him. If only he had known…

  What is he thinking? He is just standing there with those impossible green eyes. He looks like everything dreams are made of. Why is my body responding to him this way now? Ugh, she couldn’t hide her feelings for him when he was so close. Her nipples hardened at the touch of his hands still holding hers. As if he knew what she was thinking, his eyes dropped to her chest. Her face grew hot. They weren’t saying anything to each other, but he was breathing just as heavily as she.

  “Cami, why aren’t you saying anything?”

  “Why aren’t you?” she asked, pulling away from his grasp. He let her go.

  “I believe I said—”

  She held up a hand. “There is no need to repeat that, again.” She didn’t want to hear it again for fear her reaction would be the same.

  He picked up his cup. “Cheers,” he said dryly, swallowed the rest of his champagne and pitched it in a nearby waste can. “You know we should talk about it.”

  “God, Brandon, why are you pressing this issue?”

  He turned toward her, taking her by surprise. He wrapped both arms around her waist and lowered his mouth to hers, splitting her lips with his tongue. Soft, warm and Asti sweet. He moved against her and there was no mistaking his erection. Both hands went to her face. He made love to her mouth. She heard him moan. His tongue was so hot and explored her mouth with mesmerizing circles. She melted into him and he tightened his embrace around her. She had to move away from him and snap out of this trance.

  “What are you—we doing?” she asked, breathless.

  “Something we obviously should have done a whole lot sooner than now.” He kissed along her neck, causing her head to fall slowly to the side allowing him better access. A purring bubbled up from within her. She slid her hands over his shoulders for support and moaned his name, “Brandon—we shouldn’t do this.”

  “Tell me why not,” He continued to kiss and nibble around her pulse. She couldn’t even think straight to give a rational reason.

  “What?” she breathed a whisper.

  “Why no?” he asked again.

  “Because this isn’t what we do; this isn’t us.” This is what I’ve always wanted…but never in my wildest dreams thought I’d ever get to experience.

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  “I don’t know. I can’t think clearly when you are kissing me like this.”

  “You mean like this?” He traced kisses along her jaw line.

  “Just like that.” She sighed.


  “Hmm?” the sound barely audible above the pounding of her heart, at least to her own ears. She opened her eyes to look at him.

  He pulled away from her, penetrating her with his sexy gaze. “Let me take you out. Have dinner with me.”

  “Brandon—it’s late and I have an early meeting.” She immediately made excuses.

  “We don’t have to go tonight, and you cannot turn me down after sharing a kiss like that.”

  She turned from him. Why was she playing hard to get now, after she’d waited for Brandon to want her in this way for years?

  “No, I just…” She couldn’t find the words to tell him exactly what she was thinking, when she didn’t even know what her problem was.

  He clasped her hand again. “Cami, don’t tell me this is about the race thing. How long have we been friends? You’ve always been comfortable around me.”

  “This would be a bit different. Friends with a white guy and dating a white guy—I mean going out on a date with a white guy.”

  “When I look at you Cami, I don’t see color. I see the woman I’m interested in. Someone I’ve been interested in for a long time.”

  “You have?”

  “Yes, and after that kiss, I am wishing I had this conversation with you years ago.” He lowered his head to kiss her again, slowly brushing his lips against hers, he whispered, “Give me a chance to show you, Cam.”


  Brandon refused to leave until she agreed to have dinner with him the next night. “I’ll leave you alone tonight, if you promise to have dinner with me tomorrow.”

  “I usually work late.”

  “As I can see,” he joked.

  She looked at him, seeing everything she wanted in a man for four years of her young adult life. The fantasy Brandon didn’t even compare to the reality of him standing in front of her now. Tall and handsome, warm and sexy, all of her feelings for him were still there. She hesitated, knowing how many hearts he had broken. Not wanting to be his next victim, she hoped he had changed. She inhaled a sharp breath, releasing it slowly, buying herself a little ti
me to make her decision. The earnest look in his eyes gave her a spark of encouragement. “I will meet you for dinner,” she agreed.

  A wide smile brightened his face.

  “I can make no promises, beyond that, Brandon.”

  “We won’t label anything right now.” He pulled her close to him and whispered in her ear, “We will go as slow as you want.” Brandon moved back, keeping one of her hands in his. “I can pick you up here if you’d like, or if you would rather meet me somewhere?”

  “I will meet you. Where did you have in mind?”

  He suggested a new trendy American cuisine restaurant located a couple blocks from her apartment in town. He leaned in and kissed her on the cheek, lingering close to her ear. “I’ll see you tomorrow at eight.”

  “I’ll be there.”

  He moved away and looked at her. Giving her the smile that always melted her heart, he turned and walked away, back to the elevators.

  She didn’t walk him out, not trusting her legs to carry her. She shut the door to her office, leaning back against it, she slowly sank to the floor, waiting to hear the front door close down the hall before she said, “Oh my God, can that man kiss!”

  She dragged a hand down her face. If the way he held her was any indication of how tomorrow night would turn out, she was in deep trouble.

  “So what are you going to wear?” Kimi asked after Cambria shared her evening plans.

  “Something simple. I don’t want to look too flashy.”

  “You don’t want to wear an outfit that will drive him wild?”

  “I’m not trying to drive him wild. I’d like to keep him sane and see if he is as attracted to me as I am to him.”

  “Don’t make it sounds like a business deal, honey. Don’t be afraid to dress up, get a little loose and be sexy for that man. Brandon is a hot guy, he likes what he sees, and well, we all know every woman within eyesight of him likes what they see, so that is a given. Why not enjoy every bit of it?”

  Cambria whined, “That is what worries me. I hope he isn’t still a complete ladies’ man, like he was in college.”

  “Who is going out with him tonight, Cami? You are. So don’t worry about any other women. Go home, and pamper yourself. Get dressed in something sexy, sophisticated and mouthwateringly gorgeous, and go see your man. When you come in on Monday you should have a great story for me.”

  “I promise to tell you everything right after our meeting,” Cambria replied.

  Kimi groaned. “Don’t think about that meeting or the marketing contract. That will take care of itself. Tonight is your night, please enjoy it.”


  C ambria left work at six o’clock, much earlier than she had in weeks.

  At home, she checked her messages and sorted through mail before heading to the bedroom. She still had to shower, dress and get to the restaurant within two hours. Not liking any part of ‘fashionably late’, her goal was to arrive before him, have a drink and calm her nerves before his arrival. She showered, using her usual shower gel, and after, smoothed coconut oil all over her skin. She also brushed it though her shoulder length hair, styling it in a soft ponytail at her nape. She slipped a simple black dress over her body and accessorized with silver, simple but elegant. Stepping into her strappy black pumps, she grabbed her purse and black dress coat then headed for the door. Her cell phone rang. “Hello?” she answered before stepping out into the deep chill of winter.

  “Hello, gorgeous.”

  His voice made her smile. She hadn’t talked to him on the phone since their fourth year of college.

  “Hello, Brandon.”

  “Where are you?”

  “I’m just about to leave my house.” She stepped out on the sidewalk, fumbling with the buttons of her coat, cutting off the cold chill.

  “How far away from the place do you live?”

  “A few blocks. I’ll be there in a matter of minutes.”



  “It’s cold out.”

  “It tends to be that way in the winter.”

  She heard him chuckle, and a grin spread across her face. She missed the sound of his low rumble, like music to her ears.

  “I see you are still a smart ass.”

  “You know you like that about me.”

  “You’re right. I do. You’re headed there now?”

  “I was going to get a drink and get a table. Please don’t think I’m rushing you.”

  “Not at all. Give me fifteen minutes and I’ll be there.”

  A fter handing her coat over to the man servicing the coat check-in, she walked to the bar and ordered a martini. She enjoyed just a few sips before his warmth radiated along her back. He leaned over close to her ear. His arm moved past her and his hand landed on the bar right next to hers.

  “Excuse me, ma’am, is this stool taken?” The low sultriness of his voice next to her ear played havoc on her nerve endings, causing her skin to break out in goosebumps.

  She didn’t need to turn toward him to know it was him. His warm, spicy scent assailed her senses, his calling card, without a doubt. It was definitely all Brandon. She slightly moved her head away from his mouth. His lips were so close to her ear, the moist heat of his words touched her skin. “Yes, it is taken,” she answered, simply swallowing another sip of her martini. She heard amusement in his voice. “Is that so?”

  “Yes, you may want to run along. He will be back soon.”


  “Yes, he.”

  “Anyone I know?”

  “I don’t think so.” She leaned away from him, eyeing him.

  He continued staring at her. “Well, he is one lucky man.”

  “Is that so?”

  “He gets to share the company of a beautiful woman. Yes, that makes him a very lucky bastard. Honestly, this man must be a fool to leave such a sexy woman alone by herself at the bar. Gives guys like me hope I can sit down here in this empty seat he foolishly left open, and sweep this beautiful lady off her feet.”

  Cambria turned to meet his sexy gaze. “Are you in the business of stealing other men’s women?” She smirked.

  “Not usually, I guess I better hope like hell I don’t have any competition?” he inquired.

  She chuckled softly and sipped at her drink, not answering him one way or another. Make him squirm, and wonder if there is someone else. He did it to her. She could play that game, too. She remained silent.

  “Well, if I do have competition, he is very crazy to leave you all alone. Maybe you wouldn’t mind if I keep you company, you know, until he shows his face.” She turned to give him her full attention. He smoothly moved into the stool beside her.

  “Hello.” He smiled.

  “Hello yourself.”

  He leaned in to give her a brief kiss, chaste though it was, was still extremely sensual and she wished she could deepen the brief contact into something much more.

  She moved away quickly, saving herself, by interjecting, “I gave my name to the hostess. We should have time to drink our cocktails before our table is ready.”

  He gave her a knowing smile and responded by flagging the bartender. “May I please have a whiskey and soda and get her another, please?”

  “Thank you,” she said pushing the empty glass away from her.

  “Of course, Cambria.”

  Her face grew warm when he looked at her. He seldom called her by her full name, always Cam or Cami. Any way he called her, it all came across good to her ears, but when he said her full name, so sexy and sure, she loved the way it sounded on his lips.

  Brandon looked at her like the cat that caught the canary, full of sin and up to no good. He broke the awkward silence. “You look fabulous tonight.” His gaze roamed over every part of her and warmth spread across her body wherever his eyes focused, directly responding to his scorching gaze. A chill ran right up her spine.

  “Thank you.” She laughed nervously. “I guess it is a big difference from how you�
��re used to seeing me dressed. I always wore sweatpants and T-shirts in the dorms.”

  “I saw you dressed up a couple of times at school functions.”

  “I didn’t realize you noticed me. You were always with your dates at those parties.”

  He smirked at her, and ticked off her wardrobe list on his hand. “You wore a hunter green dress to the Marketing Department Dinner. A purple dress to one of the Spring Flings and my personal favorite was the red strapless number you wore to our Christmas Gala.”

  “Whoa, wait a minute. You remember what I wore to those functions?” Why would he remember my dress, unless it meant something to him?

  “Yes,” he answered with a matter-of-fact tone.

  “Okay, so what were your dates wearing?”

  “I have no idea.”


  “I honestly don’t remember. Cambria, let’s forget about all of that right now,” he said, taking her hand. “I am interested in you and have been for a really long time. I want you to know that, and believe me when I say it.”

  Cami looked down where their hands connected. His hands were so much larger. Her darker caramel skin was a beautiful contrast to his. She wasn’t able to respond to his declaration, not now, unable to open that tightly locked door to her heart. A flood of emotions was just waiting to spill out.

  “Miss Loman, your table is ready.” Cambria jumped with the unexpected interruption. Brandon stood up. He took his drink off the bar. His other hand still connected with hers.

  “Lead the way, Cam.”


  A fter being seated at a table for two near the back of the restaurant, Brandon ordered a bottle of champagne. He looked at her from across the table.

  “Are we celebrating again?” she asked.

  “I have a few things I’m celebrating tonight.”

  “Do tell.”

  “At the risk of sounding sappy, I will just say that things are starting to head in a direction professionally and personally that I’ve been hoping would happen for a long time. Both of those things I contribute to you, and I want to celebrate that.”