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Page 12

  “You’re damn right,” Tristan said, throwing back the contents of his drink and setting it on a nearby table.

  Savvon’s phone buzzed in her purse, and she fished it out, looking at the screen.

  “It’s Cara again,” she said to Erin.

  Savvon, I need to talk to you. Come out to the patio.

  “She’s here. She told me to come out to the patio.”

  “We’ll come with you.” Erin nodded at Tristan as they followed Savvon in the direction Nathan just went.

  Chapter 30

  Nathan wandered onto the deck into the night air, happy to get away from the crowd, and the bull shit going on in there. Eustace had screwed them like Nathan knew he would. He didn't even want to use him as a consultant, but at the discretion of his best friend, and what he thought was good for his company, he let that man in, and he'd been burned.

  Now, he had to figure out how to get his client back, and he would, he just needed to think about how to do it.

  When he stepped onto the deck, he noticed Cara, the assistant from DeKemper and Paulson, standing out there on her phone, frantically typing a text to someone.

  “Hey, Cara, right?” he said, attempting light conversation. She looked up at him, eyes wide and tear-filled. “What is it. What’s wrong?” he asked coming toward her, taking the handkerchief from inside his pocket and handing it to her.

  “I've been trying to get ahold of Savvon all night. She isn't answering my text messages.”

  “We were's been a whirlwind trying to get here tonight. She may not have seen them,” he explained.

  “I was trying to warn her Eustace and Melanie have been setting you up since your meeting. I overheard them talking. He never planned to pitch your idea to the client. He already had another firm ready in the wings to take over. He was setting you up to look bad, tonight.”

  “Why? I don’t understand any of this—”

  “It’s simple really.”

  They turned at the sound of Eustace’s voice on the opposite end of the deck. “You don’t care for my business practices; you called them, ‘A bullshit idea, plain and simple.’ you also went after my sloppy seconds, Phillips… tsk tsk. But, you can have Savvon. Melanie doesn’t want her at her place anyway and I don’t want her in my bed. I refuse to work for you. You are disrespectful to everyone in your employ, Mr. can’t do anything wrong. This client deserves more than what your firm can provide. I decided to give them what they need above what they asked for. I just invited you to the party to see it.” He turned on his heel and left the deck, passing Tristan, Erin and Savvon who just joined them. Her eyes were wide as she looked from Eustace to Nathan.

  “Nathan…” she said, trying to reach for him.

  “I need to get out of here,” he said, passing them.

  “What the hell?” Tristan asked, but Nathan kept walking.

  Savvon turned from Nathan’s retreating back to look at Cara. “Tell me.”

  “Come sit.” Cara motioned to chairs around a fire pit.

  “Tell me everything, Cara. What is going on?” Savvon asked taking a seat.

  “Eustace set you all up. He used Melanie and the firm… He hates Nathan. I think it’s jealousy really. The man has everything Eustace wants, the company the money the…woman.” Her eyes landed on Savvon. “When he saw the chemistry between the two of you, it set him off on another level. I knew he was up to no good, but this, this was something different. He started making calls the minute he walked out of that meeting the other day. He pulled Big Dogs from contention and called in another client. Melanie and Margo were brought in to staff that new firm. That is why they fired you, Savvy.”

  “Oh my God.” Erin but a hand to her mouth.

  “How do you know all of this?” Tristan asked.

  “I overheard them talking. And Margo told them of your plans for dinner the other night—she has a thing for Nathan…”

  “Over my dead body.” Savvon stood.

  “What are you going to do?” Erin asked.

  “This is my fault. I have to… Tristan, I need you to help me get this client back for Nathan.”

  “Nate will be okay. He’s pissed, and he gets quiet and to himself to think of the best course of action. He’ll come back from this. Eustace is not going to get away with this,” Tristan assured.

  That may be all well and good, but she still had to do something to let him know, she is here for him and this is not how things were going to go down.

  “I was never with him. Cara, you can tell them.” Savvon could see red. How dare he tell Nathan he was going after his sloppy seconds…

  “She wasn’t, not for lack of him trying. He asked her out almost every time they had a meeting,” Cara chimed in.

  “All while he was fucking Melanie. Why in the world would I want any of that?”

  “It’s why she turned on you, Savvy. She wanted Eustace, and he was infatuated with you,” Erin put two and two together while Cara shook her head.

  Savvy stomped a foot “I don’t want him! I want…”

  “Nathan,” Tristan spoke up. “I’ve never seen my boy as happy as I’ve seen him with you, Savvy. We need him happy, and he needs this win. Whatever I can do to help you, I will.”

  He stood, taking his wife's hand to join him. “Let’s go see a client about a project.”

  Chapter 31

  He checked his phone to see yet another missed call. “Christ, leave me alone to think,” he said to no one while sitting on his deck at home nursing a whiskey neat.

  Everything about tonight rubbed him the wrong way. It was no one’s fault but his own. He shouldn’t have allowed outsiders in...Eustace…Savvon. That just hurt his heart. If he hadn’t gotten close to her, would he even be on that con man’s radar?

  “Damn it.”

  And, this is why he didn’t get involved romantically. It was only a downfall.

  He sat in his tux pants, with the shirt unbuttoned. He’d long since discarded the jacket and bowtie, hating feeling confined, as always. He was just about to pour another drink, when he heard his doorbell through the sliding glass doors.

  Looking at his watch, he saw that it was already damn near midnight… “Who in the hell?”

  He trudged into his living space, making his way to the door. Flinging it open, he expected to see Tristan, but was greeted by the sweet beautiful face of the woman who had somehow made her way into his heart.

  “Savvy,” he said her name with such reverence, he surprised himself.

  “You don’t know how to answer your phone now?” she asked, leaning against his door frame.

  “I…” He shook his head, not knowing how to answer. He didn’t want bothered. He wanted to clear his mind to figure out his next move. He didn’t want her? No, that wasn’t the case…

  “You what, Nathan? You left, without saying, ‘boo.’” She pushed her way into his home, not waiting for an invitation.

  “I needed to be alone for a minute.” He shut the door, turning to see her walking through his home like she belonged, and he wasn’t mad at the sight of it.

  “Did you think about what your employees needed? What…I needed?”

  He caught the hitch in her voice, and he set the drink down on the table and came to her.

  “I am trying to figure out the best way to handle this for my employees and for you, Savvon. This is a big, big project down the fucking drain because I opened my self up to outside help. This is why I keep to myself. This is why I don’t let anyone run this damn company but me! Eustace Grere made me look like an incompetent fool tonight. That can’t be the reputation of Big Dog Technology. I can’t… I won’t open myself up to that again.”

  “Does that include me? I’m an outsider. I potentially caused this issue with Eustace. You don’t trust me or my loyalty to you too?” she asked the question he was thinking before she even arrived on his doorstep.

  “Savvon…” He broke eye contact, not knowing how to answer her.

; “No. I want to know. Where does all of this leave us? If there even was an us.”

  He looked back at her then. She’d taken off her dress attire for the evening and was dressed again in simple yoga pants and a t-shirt. Her hair was pulled into the same natural bun and she wore glasses on her face like he’d seen her at the grocery store. She looked just as beautiful dressed up or down.

  He ran a hand over her shoulder down her arm snagging her hand. “If you would have asked me that question a week ago, I would have told you I don’t need no one in my life. I’ve got this.”

  “And this week?” she asked, her voice a whisper as he stepped closer.

  “I don’t want to do this without you, Savvy. We may have lost this client, but I don’t want to lose you.”

  She placed a hand on his face, and he claimed her lips with his. Her other hand found the opening to his shirt, stripping it from his body.

  “Don’t leave again like that, Nathan. I want to help you. Don’t shut me out.” She looked in his eyes and he saw the emotion there.

  “We do this...together?” he asked.

  “Yes. damn it. I want to be with you—work with you, not against you. stop being so stubborn and let me.”

  His mouth slid into a grin. “I forgot you get to boss me outside of work…”

  “If you’ll let me,” she whispered.

  She pulled the hem of her t-shirt up and over her head.

  “Savvon,” he said, running a hand over her smooth skin, over her shoulder, down to her back at the clasp of her bra.

  “Take it off, Nathan. I want to feel your touch tonight.”

  He closed his eyes at her words and flicked the clasp of her bra, feeling the silky material loosen and fall under the weight of her full breasts.

  “Look at me,” she commanded of him just like he did of her the first night they were together. He did as he was told, meeting her gaze. “I wouldn’t do anything to put you or your company at risk. I’m standing here bare in front of you, telling you I will do anything I can for you to succeed.”

  He lowered his face to hers, taking her lips, her words, her commitment. “I believe that.”

  “You should. I want to work with you, Nathan. I want to be…”

  “You want to be what?” He circled arms around her waist bring her to him.

  “I want to be yours.”

  The low rumble of need that came from his body surprise them both as he lifted her in his arms and up the stairs to his bedroom. Lowering, her on the pillow-soft comforter he made quick work of both their clothes before sinking into her warmth that felt like home. She gasped as he filled her completely nipping along her jaw up to her ear. “Damn, if you don’t feel good. Savvy,” he murmured against her ear as he moved in and out of her, and she met him stroke for stroke.

  “Yes, Nathan. Yes, so, so good. I…need…want…”

  “Tell me, Savvon.”

  “I want us… I want you.”

  “You have me, baby.”

  Nathan rolled over, the sun shining on his face, the bed next to him empty. He sat up looking around, thinking she’d be there.

  “Savvon?” His voice was gravel and dry. He threw the covers back, seeing that he was still naked. He got up from the bed and found the boxers they’d thrown across the room the night before or maybe the night before that…who knew.

  He’d lost time and reason with Savvon Stephens, and he wanted more. At that moment, his cell rang. He turned and picked it up from the side table, seeing it was Tristan.

  “St. Clair?”

  “Wakey-wakey, mother fucker.”

  “Good morning to you too, asshole.”

  Tristan laughed. “That woman allow you out of bed yet?”

  Nathan looked around him. “Be nice if I knew where she is…”

  “What?” Tristan asked.

  “We… I think we are official. But, I just woke up, and she isn’t in bed.”

  “Man, can you figure out your relationship issues later and get your ass into work?”

  Unless it was the twilight zone, Nathan knew it was Saturday morning maybe Sunday…

  “It’s the weekend. Why is your ass in the office?” he mumbled.

  “Special project you need to see about.”

  “Come on, man.”

  “Would it help if I told you, your girl is here.”

  That caught Nathan’s attention. “What the hell do you mean she is there?”

  “Come in and find out.” Tristan disconnected the call before Nathan could say anything further.

  Instead of playing the stupid guessing game, he text Savvon.

  Hey, where are you, beautiful?

  Why, you miss me?

  He smiled at her sass. It’s one of the things he loved about her.


  There is something he never thought he’d say. He shook off the thought.

  Yes, I do. I woke up and you weren’t next to me.

  I had a quick errand to run.

  Did that errand take you into the office?



  Come into the office, Nathan.

  Okay, something was definitely up. Tristan, now Savvy has summoned him to the office on a weekend.

  He went into his ensuite bathroom to get ready to go into the office.

  Chapter 32

  Nathan walked into the office and looked around. The place was pretty quiet, until Tristan’s niece, Veronica, came bounding into the reception area.

  “Hi, Mr. Phillips.” She batted her eyelashes at him.

  The girl was pretty enough but a good fifteen years younger than him. There is no way in the world he would ever cross that line, no matter how much she flirted. For one she was the daughter of his CFO, Tyler and Tristan’s niece.

  “Roni, hey. Do you know if Savvy is here?”

  The young girl twirled her hair around her finger. “They may be in the conference room.”

  “They? Who is they?”

  “My uncle just told me to tell you to come to the conference room.”

  “What is going on?” He gritted through clenched teeth.

  He walked past Veronica and made his way to the conference room.

  “You okay, Big Dog?” Tristan greeted him at the door, putting a hand on his arm.

  “Trist,” he growled.

  “Okay then,” Tristan responded. “I see we are in a bear of a mood.”

  “Why are you all here on a weekend?”

  “We’ve been putting in a little overtime”


  “Well, it was mainly Savvon. I just helped where I could.”

  “Can you tell me what the hell you are talking about? Stop speaking in code, man, spit it out already.”

  Savvon slipped out of the conference room, closing the door behind her. “Will you two keep it down.”

  The moment he saw her, he came to her, putting a hand around her waist. Lowering his head, he kissed her without preamble.

  When he pulled back, she placed a hand to her chest. “Well, hello to you too.”

  “Will you two get a room.” Tristan rolled his eyes.

  “We were in a room before you pulled me down here,” Nathan shot at him. “What’s this all about?” he asked, turning his attention back to Savvy.

  “I asked Cara to reach out to the client and convince them to meet with us. She also told them what she heard between Eustace and Melanie and convinced them that you were set up.”

  “She would do that even though she still works for Melanie?” Nathan asked.

  “Not anymore I don’t.” Cara joined them in the hallway.

  “Melanie fired her at the event. Turns out sharing company deceit is frowned upon,” Savvon deadpanned.

  “I offered her a position here. Savvon says she could use the help with Talent Acquisition. I didn’t think you’d mind if your woman says she needs it,” Tristan teased.

  “Of course not. Welcome to the team, Cara and thank you for everything you�
��ve done.” Nathan shook the girl’s hand, realizing his other arm was still around Savvy.

  His woman.

  He just caught on to what Tristan said. And, after the last few nights he’d shared with her, he did consider her to be his.

  He looked down at her, her face flushed from the kiss and what Tristan had said.

  “The client is in the conference room; they are reviewing the app now, but we told them we called you in to answer any questions they may have about the development.”

  “Are they going to let us continue working on it?” he asked, feeling hopeful.

  A slow grin slid across her gorgeous face. “It appears so.”

  “And even sweeter, they fired Eustace’s lying ass,” Tristan piped in.

  “And Melanie’s too,” Cara added.

  Nathan heard the other two talking but he kept his eyes on Savvy. Leaning in, he kissed her again.

  “You did this,” he whispered in her ear. “Thank you, babe.”


  One year later

  “Ugh, another Tuesday, another boring night of grocery shopping.” Trish trudged behind Savvon pushing her shopping cart.

  “No one said you had to come out with me tonight, Trish.”

  “Well, I still need groceries, and you have all the good coupons.”

  “I don’t have any new ones today. I was otherwise occupied on Sunday morning to clip any.” She wiggled her eyebrows at her friend.

  “We get it, you are having wild monkey sex on the regular with your boo. Where is he anyway?”

  “He’s working late. This newest client is kicking his ass with everything they want for their app. He is putting in extra hours to make sure the code is perfect.”

  “I thought you hired him some help with that?”

  “We did, several Full-Stack, Android and iOS Developers, in fact, but my man is a perfectionist. He tests all their code to ensure it’s ready to go.”